Friday, February 4, 2011

Teegan's Highlight Reel

   I realize there's still a lot to be told in our back story. But Teegan's had an outstanding couple of weeks, while the last couple days have been pretty yucky for me (for other reasons).  So for the sake of my sanity I'm going to write about Teegan's recent days.

   Ok, I may have fibbed just a little. To highlight just how amazing his new developments are I have to tell you a smidge about April 15, 2010.  It was Billy's sixth birthday.  We had a jumper and the neighbor and Billy were playing in it.  Will and I were setting up for the few people that we were expecting.  Teegan was napping.  When I went in to check on him he wasn't breathing and was non responsive.  Paramedics were called, CPR was started, and I'm honestly not emotionally prepared to completely revisit that day yet.  But I will throw in a shout out to the officer and paramedics who saved my son's life that day. 

   About six weeks in the hospital followed.  Tests were run and the neurologist told us our son was severely brain damaged.  Just as bluntly as I just told you.  Guess he's not much for bedside manner.  I told you all this because I want you to understand how amazing Teegan's recent accomplishments are. That doctor listed Teegan in a "persistent vegetative state".

    Skip to present day.  Teegan had lost all the progress he had made on that day in April.  It was basically like taking home the "newborn Teegan" all over again.  And there hadn't been a whole lot of progress since then.  That was until about three, maybe four weeks ago.  I noticed more responsive behavior from him.  He had more voluntary movement, always in response to noise or touch. His feet are ticklish again. He moves his arms when he's touched. He had always squeezed something that was put in his hands but now he was starting to move them back and forth.  Then two weeks ago he rolled from his side to his back.  All by himself.  It was astounding.  It was amazing.  It was all sorts of words that start with A.  (heehee)  But seriously, I wish I could convey to you what it feels like to see your child do something that the doctor said he might never do.  Will and I never fully accepted the doctor's report, but it is satisfying to finally have a visible manifestation of our faith.  Now I can't keep him on his side. A couple days ago he figured out how to get from his side to his belly, too.  He doesn't have the strength and/or muscle control to get his arm out from under him, but I believe that's coming.

    I'm just so amazed at how quick Teegan's progress has been. It's like a switch was flipped. His brain finally started saying "hey, muscles, get to work! We've got a lot of catching up to do!"  lol  He can tolerate longer periods of therapy, he's not that far from the point he was at before April, oh and he's gone three consecutive days with only two seizures per day. He was having anywhere from five to eight. I truly believe that by the end of this year I will see my little man sit up. One day, I will watch him walk.  One day, I will hear him call me mom.  One day, I will pull out that hospital discharge summary that says "persistent vegetative state" and throw it in the fireplace.  :)

Good night everyone!!